What is Mother’s Day like when one of your children has died? Today I chose to observe the day by rowing a marathon with a few devoted members of Greenville Indoor Rowing, where I’m a @UCanRow2 certified instructor.
The first two weeks of May are the @concept2inc Marathon Challenge period, which means we get a special certificate in addition to the free enameled pin Concept2 awards marathoners at any time of year, and the marathon sticker from GIR.
If you’ve ever rowed or run a marathon, you might understand when I say it was awful and none of us ever want to do it again! But we had a good time together, and we all finished.
At the moment, my marathon time is #1 (of 4) in the world for lightweight women in my age group! The season just started May 1, so it won’t last, but I’m absolutely going to enjoy it for now!
I am just going to relax for the rest of the day, too exhausted to focus on grief. Which was the point.
🍫 🛋 💤
@refugeingrief@mentalhealthamerica #4mind4body#mhm2019 #rowingmarathon#mothersday #alwaysamom#indoorrowing#indoorrowinginstructor#donotgogentleintothatgoodnight