Forged in Fire! My dad loves that show, and I love learning new things, making stuff, and spending time with my dad. So for Christmas I gave him/us a day with blacksmith Kevin Cameron of Paragon Forge!
Our adventure was yesterday. I made a knife from a railroad spike, and my dad made an amazing Bowie knife. I’ll share more photos of it when Dad finishes crafting the hickory handle. Kevin and his apprentice, Steve Hinson, were great teachers.
We had so much fun and there were no injuries other than a couple of blisters I developed (because I don’t swing a hammer that much in my everyday life). It was such a great feeling! All the mental and physical health benefits: time outdoors, time with someone you love, pounding the heck out of something, learning new skills, making new connections in the brain.
#forgedinfire #blacksmithing #dadtime #learningthings #makingstuff #paragonforgeblacksmithing #paragonforge #farmvilleNC #experiences #newexperiences #unforgettable #makingmemories #memories #familytime #mydadisthebest #mydadmadethis #lookwhatImade #railroadspike #railroadspikeknife #bowieknife #4mind4body #mentalhealth #mhm2019 #mentalhealthmonth