Yesterday was the second anniversary of Rader’s death. Anniversaries are difficult, not just days but seasons. Some of our closest friends, wanting to ease our pain however possible, invited us to spend this time together with them. We met our longtime friends the Chisholms at the Columbia Museum of Art to see an exhibit, Shades of Greene, by our college friend Sanford Greene. Then we went out to dinner, and afterward, to Sandy’s Famous Hot Dogs for ice cream. It also happened to be National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, and although it’s not usually my first choice flavor, it almost always was Rader’s (especially if he could get mini marshmallows on top). All of it made a bad day much better.
Yesterday also was the first anniversary of the foundation website and social media accounts. I’m proud to have posted something that furthers our mission every day for the past year. “Like” the foundation on Facebook or visit “the latest” on our website if you want to see the resources, articles, and memories that don’t make it into the Instagram feed.
#columbiamuseumofart #shadesofgreene #marvel #marvelcomics #blackpanther #bitterroot #comics #art #sanfordgreene #sandyshotdogs #sandysicecream
Check out Sanford’s work at Marvel, Image Comics, Instagram, and Twitter.