I'm continuing to share resources recommended in Life After Suicide by Dr. Jennifer Ashton. This one I knew about, but had no idea the depth and breadth of their work against bullying: the Tyler Clementi Foundation.
Please follow them on social media and take a look at their website to see how you can be an Upstander, not a bystander. You can even take the Upstander Pledge. I'm going to quote the first part of it here for you. Powerful!
"I will stand up to bullying whether I’m at school, at home, at work, in my house of worship; whether I am speaking in the digital cyber world or out in the real world with friends, family, colleagues or teammates.
"I will work to make others feel safe and included by treating them with kindness, respect and compassion.
"I will not use insulting or demeaning language, slurs, gestures, facial expressions, or jokes about anyone’s sexuality, size, gender, race, any kind of disability, religion, class, politics, or other differences, in person or while using technology.
"If I realize I have hurt someone I will apologize.
"I will remain vigilant and not be a passive audience or 'bystander' to abusive actions or words."