May 13 is National Crouton Day! I bake bread almost every day, so we always have a lot left over to turn into croutons. I have been making them for about a year, I guess. Before that I just used to throw away the bread at the end of the day, because the no-knead recipe I follow is so much better fresh.
Rader would have LOVED these croutons. I coat the bread cubes in olive oil and then sprinkle with garlic salt before I bake them. (Same recipe Doe from Doe’s Pita in Charleston used for her pita chips! But I also grind some pepper over them.) We do eat some on salads, but a lot of them are consumed just as straight snacks. They stand on their own! If you’re local to me and you want to try some, let me know. We always have more than we need.