It’s Mario Monday again! A long-time friend sent me this picture a few days ago, with the message, “Thinking of Rader off on his next journey.”
She said she sent it with tears in her eyes and knew that although I might find it upsetting, she was sending it with love for us both. Even though it’s a stark reminder that Rader is not with us anymore, it’s not like I ever forget that anyway. And it means so much to know he is still loved and thought of and missed.
I’m incredibly grateful for my friend who pushed through her own discomfort — and the insecurity of maybe doing the wrong thing — to say and do *something.* Yes, it’s hard and uncomfortable and a little scary to interact with someone who is grieving. It’s so much easier just to hold your tongue so you don’t say something hurtful or awkward, or avoid them so your discomfort doesn’t make them uncomfortable as well. But my friend understands: My loss means I’m already in pain. But I can be in pain alone, or someone like her can reach out and companion me in that pain.
Now for the details of the awesome photo! It’s from Kate Fowkes, a mum in the UK who created the photo op for her son’s first day back to school after 6 months’ lockdown. She shared it in a large public Facebook group, which is where my friend saw it. I looked her up on Instagram, and here it is. This particular kid, I gather from her other posts, loves Mario just as much as Rader did. Have a fantastic year at school, kiddo!