For today’s prompt, write a correspondence poem. Maybe write a poem that would fit on a postcard or in a letter. Or write a poem about correspondence school. Or jump into newer forms of correspondence like e-mail or text messaging. Of course, not all correspondence is connected to communicating; sometimes one thing corresponds to another by being similar. — Robert Lee Brewer, Writer’s Digest
Dear —
Who is in charge of answering letters in the afterlife?
To whom it may concern,
First of all, do you exist, some sort of otherworldly administrative assistant? And if you do, does that mean there is a place, as I am able to conceive of the concept of a place, where the essence of a person goes when that person dies?
There was a life, an energy, a soul, a being that was Rader. Did whatever that essence was, did HE, go to something that could be thought of as ‘where’? And if so, what’s it like? The life forces of other people who have died, are they there as well? Other people we might have known? Were there people waiting for him, to help him settle in?
Is there ever any communication back and forth? I know some people here say they receive signs from their loved ones who have gone on. Are those for real? And can you only receive them if you believe in them first? Perhaps that’s my problem. But he’s the one in the supernatural, so maybe he can see and understand me, even though I’m too earthbound to see him.
Please tell him I think I understand, in a way, why he left. And I’m trying to do a lot of good, to the best of my ability, while I’m still here. And I hope against hope against hope that the people who say with such confidence that we’ll see each other again are somehow right about it. That will be the best surprise of my life, or I suppose I mean, my death. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Susan Ward (Rader’s mom)