For today’s prompt, write a dedication poem. This is a poem dedicated to a person, an animal, or an organization. Or hey, objects work too — like a poem to a rock or paper bag. Put the dedication in the title or in a line under the title (“for Mother” or “to the heart-shaped rock between the creek and the tulips”). I dedicate today’s prompt to all of you! — Robert Lee Brewer, Writer’s Digest
To the giant hollow chocolate egg
You caught my eye —
the biggest chocolate Easter egg
I've ever seen.
Hollow, of course, my favorite.
Wrapped in shiny cellophane,
tied off with a satin bow,
calling out to me.
But too late;
I was already corralled
in the Marshall's & HomeGoods checkout line
with my shopping cart full of new flowerpots
for houseplant transplantation.
I had somewhere to go;
I would have to come back later.
Would you still be there?
My destiny?
Everyday life got in the way
and weeks — WEEKS! — passed
before I was able to return,
seeking you with trepidation.
Yet, joy! There you were, just waiting for me.
Nothing could separate us.
At last I was able to see you up close,
to hold you. So smooth, so heavy!
A full 3000 grams, almost 6 2/3 pounds.
So much Easter happiness!
Until I looked at your price tag.
O, chocolate egg.
I could not, would not
pay $80 for you.
(Epilogue: I bought myself a smaller version of the same egg. This is not such a sad story after all.)