Today for Mental Health Month, I did some gardening! A friend gave me some elephant ear bulbs and I wanted to get those in the ground. (I’ll post photos when there’s something to see.) I also have been rehabbing my first orchid with an on-again-off-again root soak in distilled water, because it was struggling. It is now ready to repot! I have a feeling of accomplishment from checking these tasks off my list, and a greater sense of calm from my time outside.
(I don’t remember where this little flower picture came from — one of the kids? I added the magnet poetry words.)
#mentalhealthmonth #mhm2019 #4mind4body #plants #elephantearplant #bloomwhereyouareplanted #orchids #gardening #gardeningformentalhealth #gardeningforpeaceofmind #grounded #magnetpoetry