For today’s prompt, write an ekphrastic poem. An ekphrastic poem is one that’s inspired by a work of art, whether that’s a painting, photograph, sculpture, or some other creation. I’ve included five ekphrastic prompts below. Look them over and choose one (or more) to prompt your poem today. — Robert Lee Brewer, Writer’s Digest
Ekphrastic prompt #3
We found each other
We were bright girls who loved books
we were fellow scouts in your mom’s troop
we were freshmen in the same dorm
we were going to save the world: idealists at 20.
We were pregnant at the same time,
seeking connection in
the brave new world of online message boards
(still together as our babies turn 21).
We worked out at the same Curves
we were moms of Montessori kids
we were ladies learning tae kwon do, or yoga, or indoor rowing.
At every stage of life,
whomever we needed,
one best friend or an iVillage,
we found each other.
April is National Poetry Month, and I’m writing a poem a day based on prompts from Robert Lee Brewer of Writer’s Digest. Today he gave us five photos from which to draw inspiration for an ekphrastic poem. I chose the third photo because the women looked so happy, and I wanted to think about and write something happy for a change! So I wrote about my community of women, and how we find our friends, starting when we are small.
All my daily attempts at poetry this National Poetry Month can be found on the “writing my grief” page,